Meetup With Travel Partners ~Includes 4 Secret Tips!!

Meetup With Fellow Travelers To Delete Loneliness

We RVers tend to live by our own rules, but there is one rule we happily The number resource to finding a travel buddy is the app meetup.  I use the meetup app all the time to find travel partners and cool people to hang out with.  When ever I am new to an area.  abide by: when it comes to RVing, the more, the merrier.

RV life is a unique one, chock full of intriguing people and places. But if you’re experiencing all the killer sights and sounds by yourself, it can be a very lonely adventure. The only thing better than embarking on an epic RV journey is doing it with fellow fun-loving RVers who enjoy the outdoors as much as you do. 

No matter where you’re headed, you’ll find RVers intent on sharing the excitement of the open road. And sometimes lots of them. You just have to know where to look!

Meetup Takes the Loneliness Out of Travel

Perhaps, though, you’re wondering how you can find these wonderful wandering souls. 

If so, I’m about to tell you about one of the best things to hit the RV world in a long time. It’s called Meetup, and it just might redefine your entire RV experience. 

What is Meetup?

Meetup is a service that organizes online groups that host in-person events for people with similar interests. Founded in 2002, it’s become a favorite for folks who want to use the internet as a means of expanding their offline community.  In other words its a place to meet people that like what you like. So join today. Because its free, and your best friends waiting!

Calling all adventure seekers. Start a group

Connection and self-improvement are the guiding motivations for individuals who use Meetup. They want to connect with like-minded people who can hopefully help add value to their lives. That value can come in many forms, be it learning something new, playing a game together, or simply enjoying the company of others. Meetup’s website perfectly captures the app’s mission: 

“People should leave Meetup events feeling inspired or more connected to their community in some way.”

Ahhh, community. It can sometimes feel as though we RVers are entirely on our own. If you’re like me, you spend a ton of time on the road. 

Going there. 

Heading here. 

Very often doing it all by yourself. 

Yeah, sometimes community can sound pretty damn appealing. 

Hence, I was thrilled to discover that Meetup combines two things I absolutely love, traveling, and meeting people. 

Who hosts Meetups?

Incase you’re wondering who hosts these awesome meetup events. You do, if you want to. For a small fee. Otherwise Meetup is free to group members, for the most part.

I mean, anyone who wants to get people together can host a Meetup group, and they can do it for any reason they want.  

Across the United States, dozens of RV clubs have become havens for folks like us who are dying to explore new places to travel, new ways to get there, and new gear to use. The cool part is that these groups of RVers were created by people just like you and me. There is no special qualification for starting a Meetup group. 

Calling all adventure seekers. Start a group

Aside from having a passion for travel and the outdoors, of course.  

What are the costs of joining a Meetup, and who pays them?

Here’s the quick and easy answer to, “What does it cost?” That depends. 

According to Meetup, the primary organizer of a Meetup group pays an organizer subscription. This ranges from $16.49 for a six-month subscription to $23.99 for a monthly subscription. If you’re suddenly inspired to form your own Meetup group, keep these expenses in mind. 

To help offset the costs, an organizer pays for rentals and reservations. Each member of the Meetup group is usually asked to contribute money via member dues or event fees. The amount of these costs varies greatly, and is usually in the form of a donation. 

The good news? If you’re joining an RV group whose purpose is to explore the great outdoors, you may not even have to pay a fee. 

What are the benefits of joining an RV Meetup group?

Not quite sure where to begin with this one. I see so many obvious benefits to joining an RV group via Meetup, but let’s pretend you’re a super skeptic who needs proof it’s worth it. 

4 Reasons to Join Meetup 

  1. Meetup groups give you access to RV benefits that you might not find otherwise.
    1. One of the most significant take aways of joining (or organizing)Easiest way to find travel partners is to the use app meetup.  Which is my number resource for finding new travel buddies or local if I am new to an area. an RV Meetup group are the benefits. I’m not trying to sound overly deep with that statement. I mean, you gain access to some pretty substantial gifts simply by belonging to an RV group.

      Want a discount on RV parks and campgrounds? Join a group.

      Want a better deal on a myriad of items, including RV accessories and fuel? Join a group.

      Want more competitively priced roadside assistance plans? You know what to do. Join a Meetup group!

      Money isn’t everything in life, but if you can save some just by hanging out with cool people and doing what you love to do, it’s kind of what I’d like to call a no-brainer. 

  2. Joining an RV Meetup group can motivate you to become a better RVer – and an even better person.

    1. Let’s face it. Sometimes that raging get-out-there-and-experience-life spirit that first moved you to pursue the RV life can grow, umm, pretty stagnant.

      Sometimes we all need a kick in the pants to remind us of why Adam Overby hiking brown mountain in Ketchikan Alaska for some June skiing with aowanders and caz after an RV meetup organizationwe got into this lifestyle in the first place. Joining an RV group through Meetup can be just the tonic you need to rediscover your lust for “RV life.”

      The cool thing is that Meetup makes it incredibly easy to find fellow RVers.

      RVers are a unique bunch. We tend to be quirky, free-spirited folks who enjoy fun, freedom, and frolicking.

      You’ve probably noticed, though, that not everyone in society takes the same carefree approach to life. That is why it makes so much sense to actively seek out those individuals who appreciate the finer things in life and want nothing to do with the trivial, mundane things in life!

      Things like sleeping beneath a desert sky and counting stars until your eyes can no longer stay open. Or bundling up inside a sleeping bag atop the highest mountain peak you can find. Or watching a campfire slowly burn all the way out.

      The best part of joining Meetup is that the job of finding these people is made infinitely easier. You don’t have to spend countless hours searching for people who enjoy what you enjoy.  You don’t have to play happy-hour roulette at the local watering hole.  Hoping to find something other than a drunken bar fly.  With more baggage than a divorced teenage mom.  

      If you join a group called Camper Connection, or Hoosier Happy Campers, or Tampa Bay Group Camping and RVing, chances are you’ll know exactly what you’re getting into.

      With so much mind-numbing noise online, joining a Meetup group geared specifically towards the things you know and love is a refreshingly simple step to take.

      Even better, most RV Meetup groups are filled with members who will gladly share their expertise pertaining to travel and the RV life.

      You’re sure to learn a lot about topics such as camping, outdoor survival, and RV equipment.

      Expect to hear insight on how to repair certain items.  Plan to hear lots of seemingly unbelievable RV tales.  You might even get the chance to enjoy rigs you’ve only heard of.  All this information can help guide you towards becoming a significantly more capable RVer and travel expert.

      As with every hobby, industry, or, in this case, way of life, experience is most certainly the best teacher.

  3. It’s an opportunity to combat that nagging sense of loneliness that sometimes haunts RVers.

    1. The long and winding road traveled by RVers can sometimes be aSolo travel can be very lonely at times, and that is why I recommend the group meeting app called meetup.  Its where I find travel buddies, travel partners and interesting locals.  lonely one.  This is especially true if you’ve hit the trail during the fall or winter when there are far fewer casual RVers out and about.

      By joining an RV Meetup group, you instantly reduce your odds of being hopelessly alone when you least want to be. Many members have come to rely upon the company of their fellow RVers. Even if you never become best buds with them, you’ll appreciate having these spirited souls around.

      Nothing’s worse than stumbling across the most fantastic sunset while nestled in the most fabulous location – only to have nobody there to share it with except fido.  

      You drastically shrink your chances of that happening if you take the time to connect with members of an RV Meetup group.

  4. You’ll be amazed by the people you discover.

    1. Suppose you’re a travel fanatic who also loves meeting new andWhen you get the solo travel blues use the group app called meetup to find locals to show you around a new town.  Travel buddies to explore with, and travel partners to see this big beautiful world with.  interesting people. In that case, RV Meetup groups can offer the best of both worlds.

      Seriously.  Take my word for it: you’re going to meet some absolutely incredible RV individuals.  Some of them might even end up becoming cherished friends, or longterm travel buddies.

      Hell, even though romance is not a reason to join a Meetup group, it sometimes happens. More than a few weddings have resulted from Meetup group “connections.”

      The point is that there are some exceptionally intriguing people out there just waiting to meet you and your rig.

      They’re fun, smart, passionate and genuinely big-hearted as looking to lend a helping hand individuals.  Not to mention, they love traveling and the RV life as much as you do. 

      Every day that goes by without meeting these fun-loving folks is a day I can’t help but think you’ll regret. Look around this website are there any other companies that I have dedicated a full blog post to??? The answer is absoultely NOT!  Because I don’t promote companies unless I use them, and they are a benefit to my audience!

      Several RV groups have formed on Meetup. With just a brief search, you’ll most definitely be able to find one that is right for you. Here are just some of the RV Meetup groups I’m talking about:

      • The Gals are Out With Their Travel Trailers
      • Hoosier Happy Campers
      • Northern California Vehicle Campers
      • Single Colorado Campers
      • Tampa Bay Group Camping and RVing
      • Camper Connection

      As you can tell from the intriguing group names, no matter what kind of group you’re looking for, I’m confident you’ll find it on Meetup. And if you don’t see an RV group that matches your particular interests, you can always start your own and try to recruit members.

Calling all adventure seekers. Start a group

Closing thoughts

Few things rock my world as much as the perks of full-time living the “RV All hands in for travel partners found off the app known as meetup. life.” 

Be it the stunning scenery I get to see every week. The inspiring sense of accomplishment I feel when I’ve survived yet another blustery night out in the great wide open, or even the many awe-inspiring creatures I encounter during my journeys. There’s so much to be grateful for as an active RVer. 

Yet all those things pale in comparison to the lovely folks I meet while out on the road. Fortunately, many of them are themselves RVers. It’s a bit difficult to describe the feeling that comes from finding people who share your passion. Spending time genuinely connecting with people is a beautiful way to live one’s life. 

That’s why I wrote this article.  So you can find your trible, and elevate your “RV life” to the next level.

Meetup is an excellent forum for meeting people whose interests align with yours. If you’re looking for folks who know and love the RV life and travel as much as you do, I highly recommend joining one of the many RV Meetup groups that are already out there. 

As for me, I’m going to a Meetup event put on by the Carolina Campers Too because they’re a fun, family-based group located in a lovely part of the Tarheel State. The group is a stone’s throw away from the stunning Appalachian Mountains that hug western North Carolina, and it’s a fantastic way for me to tap into some new local “RV Life” friends. 

As for you, I hope you find the individuals and groups who bring you calm, comfort, and community. They’re out there, and now you know how to find them. 

Enjoy your new RV community and travel life!

Calling all adventure seekers. Start a group

Here Are My Favorite Booking Resources:  Affordable & Efficient Travel Booking Tools I Use Everyday Along With My Favorite Gear Resources

Book Your Flight

Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. These are my two favorite “flight” search engines because they search through websites and airlines around the globe and offer a calendar view to find even cheaper flights for flexible travelers.  Check out these UNIQUE destination deals or my favorite All Inclusive Booking Travel Tool!

Rent An RV

Find cheap RV rentals for your next adventure by using Outdoorsy or RVshare.  These are my two favorite “RV” search engines because they allow you to rent from private RV owners, and offer a wide variety of chooses at affordable rates.  Want to start making money by renting out your RV?  List it with Outdoorsy or RVshare.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay elsewhere, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.  Get a $40 credit for booking with AirBnb.  Need to book a private campsite use my favorite RV booking site Hipcamp!

Need Gear

I use REI for all my gear needs because if it ever fails or gets damaged they will replace it for free!!! No questions!!! No hassles.

If REI doesn’t have the gear I need.  I can always find it on

Travel Community

Join the Escapees travel club to meet fellow travelers and talk about all things related to RVing and overland travel.

Travel Packages & Tours

Are you looking for worldwide tours and travel packages?  Check out my go-to source — IntrepidTravel!  Looking for more family related travel packages and tours book with GAdventures.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong and will cover things like transport security, crisis response and medical transports such as Life Flight. Why go on any trip without a safety net that costs less than a case of beer? I’ve been using SafetyWings for years without any issues.

My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • SafetyWings (ONLY $35 & Covers USA Travelers)
  • World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
  • Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
  • Medjet (for additional travel insurance coverage like medical transport, travel security & crisis response)

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

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Websites incur constant fees!  From hosting costs to massive amounts of personal time creating beneficial content for readers to consume at their leisure.  To help offset those costs or just to say, Thank You.  You can help support this community by shopping through any of the links found on my resource page.  Shop on Amazon through this link and I’ll get a small commission, or you can directly support this site through Paypal donations.  None of this is a requirement its just helpful and creates a better community for all of us.

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